31 Practical (Web) Interface Design Tutorials

interface design photoshop tutorials

Designing a website has never been easier. If you asked a web designer who been long enough in the industry, they could tell you there’s actually not much resources, articles nor communication channels regarding web design/develop in the older days, let alone high quality free tutorials.

If you intend to create your own personal websites or perhaps redesign your blog theme, it’s not something too hard already. Thanks to generous designers and contributors, the net is full of great tutorials with step by step guides helping you building web interfaces and navigation. And with this blog post, we’ve probably just scratched the surface of what’s out there. We’ve previously showcased you 40 great Web Interface Design, and today we want to show you another 31 Practical Interface Design Photoshop tutorials. Full list after jump.

Headers and Navigation

Creating effective navigation for websites are essentially important as they determine how visitors surf and navigate your website. We’ve hand-picked some really sleek and simple navigation tutorials for the showcase. Making tweaks and changes will come pretty easy once you’ve mastered these tutorials.

  1. Retro Dark Blue Header Design

    How to create a dark blue header with a retro spin on it.

  2. Wii Web Header

    How to design the Wii header found at Nintendo.com.

  3. Colorful Design Studio Header

    How to create a colorful design studio header layout.

  4. Metallic Header Design

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