Tag Cloud Generator
What is "Tag Cloud"?
What to hell are tag clouds or popular tags? In 2002 Jim Flanagan was the first using tag clouds as a display form. Flickr, Technorati and Blogs have tightened the trend in the design business and today leading enterprises like Spiegel.de, O2-online and others use this tool. Will tag clouds become a trend , like a lot of before which came and disappeared again when we recognized that we benefit less than we thought from them ? A tag cloud is a mean of visualisation of information within a specified area.
Looking the first time at a tag cloud you will think that the designer has freely chosen the arrangement of the words. However this is not the fact, the single catchwords are arranged to each other and stressed graphically according to their importance using for example bold type or a larger font size. Studies showed that the presentation of catchwords in a tag cloud is better remembered by the observer than a simple word list of these 100 words.
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